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National Flower

Remote Energy Sessions

We Offer Remote Energy Sessions All Across The Globe

At our practice, we specialize in offering remote energy sessions designed to enhance your well-being. 

Our diverse range of services includes energy balancing, emotional clearing, and spiritual clearing, all tailored to support your unique needs.

Whether you prefer fully remote sessions or one-on-one phone consultations, we are here to help you create a harmonious and rejuvenating experience.


National Flower

Below Is A List Of Services We Offer Remotely









How it works:

  • Remote sessions are done via distance, without you being physically present, and can be provided anywhere in the world.

  • For this healing session, we don’t speak on the phone or in person.

  • After completion of your purchase, check your inbox for a receipt with instructions on what to email us in preparation for your remote session, (if it’s not showing up don’t forget to check spam).

  • You will email us at :

    • The name of who the session is for (you or your pet).

    • Up to 3 focus areas/concerns with background and any details that you feel are relevant (the more focused and specific things shared - helps focus the energies on deeper levels).

    • Your intention for the remote session.

    • You can send pictures if you like, (but it is not necessary, so this is optional).

  • Your remote session will usually be completed within 24-48 hours of receiving your email. Please note that remote sessions are completed Monday through Friday, so there may be a chance that if you purchase later in the week and pending when your email is received, your remote work will be done the following Monday.


Your Remote Session:

  • During your remote energy healing session, we connect with and scan the body and energy fields while working on various levels.

  • Your session supports the release and clearing of blocks, beliefs, limitation or places you may feel stuck in relation to your intention and what your Soul is bringing forth. 

  • We also support and bring in the transformation and integration of higher vibrational energies guided by your Soul.

  • Please be open to what your Soul may bring forth beyond the initial intention and focus. It can be amazing to see what is deeper beneath the presenting issue or concern, often at a subconscious level.

  • All energy effects every cell in the body, so you may notice positive physical shifts as well. Our sessions effect the "whole being", clients often report that they feel positive shifts in the body, mind and soul.


After your session:
We will email you with a brief description of what came up during your session, what we worked on and any guidance, exercises, mantras or healing support that came through.


Please allow up to 72 hours, for the session to fully integrate. Please note that there may be subtle shifts that continue for up to one week following the session. We recommend staying hydrated, and drinking extra room temperature water along with hot water with lemon, or hot herbal teas. 


We look forward to supporting you and your pets on your healing journey!

Once purchased, this product is non-refundable


Remote Energy Healing Sessions

This is a single remote energy healing session where you pick what you would like the healing energies to focus around. This provides the same healing benefits and energies as Remote Energy Phone Sessions, without you having to be physically present. This session can be for you or you or your pet (1 pet).

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Remote Energy Phone Sessions


This is a single phone session where you will speak with someone directly about the areas of concern, while they work on these issues in real time.

Deep spiritual, energetic and emotional blockages can be addressed, as well as just about anything that's bothering you or on your mind. If you run out of things to talk about or prefer to relax and let your therapist take initiative, we have dozens of techniques that can assist you on your journey.










How it works: â€‹

  • Phone sessions are done over the phone and can be provided anywhere in the world.

  • For this session, we will speak over the phone while we are performing various energy techniques.

  • After booking your session, your therapist will call you at your appointment time. If you do not receive a phone call by 5 minutes past your appointment time,  please call us at 813-315-0547 as we may not be able to reach you, or your phone may have spam filters not allowing us to reach you.

  • We recommend using a head set or putting your phone on speaker phone for the duration of your session.

  • Emailing us pictures in advance is optional, and is not required. However if you'd like you can email us a couple of photos please send them to with your name in the subject line. 

  • Some therapists schedules are not listed online and can only be booked by calling or emailing to schedule. In the event your desired phone session availability is not listed on our online booking system, please email us at or text us at 813-315-0547 to coordinate a session time, as we have greater availability and can accommodate earlier or later working hours for those in other time zones. 


Your Phone Session:

  • During your phone session, we connect with and scan the body and energy fields while working on various levels, while you talk about your concerns or issues. Depending on type of phone sessions, we may either be engaging you in conversation, or protocol, OR you may be providing initial information and we will work on you and check back in with you incrementally to see how you are doing. 

  • Your session supports the release and clearing of blocks, beliefs, limitation or places you may feel stuck in relation to your intention and what your Soul is bringing forth. 

  • We also support and bring in the transformation and integration of higher vibrational energies guided by your Soul.

  • Please be open to what your Soul may bring forth beyond the initial intention and focus. It can be amazing to see what is deeper beneath the presenting issue or concern, often at a subconscious level.

  • All energy effects every cell in the body, so you may notice positive physical shifts as well. Our sessions effect the "whole being", clients often report that they feel positive shifts in the body, mind and soul, with improvement and reduced emotional, mental, and/or physical symptoms in the days or weeks to come after their session.


After your session:
We will follow up with you within 72 hours after your session via email, to see how you are feeling, and we can reschedule a future appointment at this time if desired. 


Please allow up to 72 hours, for the session to fully integrate. Please note that there may be subtle shifts that continue for up to one week following the session. We recommend staying hydrated, and drinking extra room temperature water along with hot water with lemon, or hot herbal teas. 


Follow up sessions:

Depending on the nature of the session and type of session, follow up will be recommended according to the client's best interests, which will vary on a case by case basis. Initially, anywhere from 3 to 5 sessions are recommended, and then depending on how you respond, and/or the nature of the session work, you may be able to move to a maintenance schedule or as needed basis for future sessions. 


We look forward to supporting you on your healing journey!

Once purchased, this product is non-refundable


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(813) 315-0547

345 E Robertson St, Brandon, FL 33511, USA

©2024 by Imperial Massage of Brandon

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